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Meet the Owner

Dr. Nicholas Wisniewski was born and raised in Southeastern Connecticut; his parents still live in the Bozrah home where he grew up.  He has an older sister and a younger brother, so yes, that makes him the middle child.


He married his wife, Andrea, after meeting her at UCONN, in 2005. They have three beautiful and unique children Michael, Sarah, and Megan. They also share their home with their dog, Moose who keeps watch over them all.


Dr. Wisniewski is a graduate of Saint Bernard High School, UCONN and the New England College of Optometry.  He has spent most of his life in New England. There are many things he loves about New England.  He loves being outside whether he is running or biking, playing with his kids, doing yard work or cutting and splitting firewood to heat his house.  His wife loves nothing more than having a fire in the fireplace and watching a movie, though it is a challenge to find the time. They like to garden and one of his children’s favorite things to do is to cut the lawn with him.


Although Dr. Wisniewski dedicated much of the last few years of his life to starting this business, he also dedicated himself to be healthier.  He has for 10+ years participated in short triathlons, but with the support and encouragement of a group of friends and family completed an Ironman Triathlon.  If you don’t know what that is, ask him about it when you see him.

Why Choose Us?

This practice is the realization of a dream that started back in high school.   I realized years ago that I wanted to become both an optometrist and a business owner.  To me, those two things went hand in hand.  Like many small business owners, I have my own story of my struggle to make it to where I am today.  The main reason I wanted to be a business owner was so I could effect change and the quality of care my patients experience.  I, like many of you, have become increasingly frustrated with the lack of time and care given patients across all healthcare settings.

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